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Welcome to the MAGNAPEIRON forum. This forum is entirely free. To make full use of its resources, you need to register and then kindly post a message of introduction following your registration. This introductory message can be done at the ‘’Public space’’ forum, at the subforum: ‘’Introduce yourself’’. The accounts of new users who have not introduced themselves within a few hours of registering are deleted, and they will need to register again. Usernames should not be company names. To remain a member you need to post at least one message per 45 days. Upon registration you will be placed in the ‘’newly registered members’’ group and after three posts that you will post, you will be placed in the ‘’’registered users’’ group. Once you register as a member you will be entitled to navigate through the forum topics and obtain all the basis of the new scientific and technological advances introduced in magnetism by the Kertsopoulos world patented innovation that achieves the “Magnetic System of Multiple Interactions”. Whether you are an amateur or professional, student or professor, engineer or scientist, you are welcome to register in the forum, post your views, discuss with other members, create user groups that will work on specific magnetic projects and be entitled to download all the posted scientific advances that will be offered to the forum community by the inventor. Please, kindly read through the FAQ, the Rules, found on the banner of the forum and also, the topics listed in the sub-forums found under each forum topic, for more information on the forums’ subject matter and your participation in it. We welcome you and wish you the best, hoping to communicate in the best manner for the betterment of our community through the collaboration of our knowledge in the new era of magnetism that is within this forum’ aims; capabilities and possibilities.
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